船舶人才网,国内专业的船舶行业求职招聘网站 招聘热线:0755-36517013

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舟山长宏国际船舶修造有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:浙江省 舟山市定海区小沙镇增辉社区竹峙山路20号
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
舟山长宏国际产业园由名列2011年“中国企业500强”第195位和“中国民营企业500强”第23位的江苏新长江实业集团公司投资建设,位于舟山市浙江定海工业园区,项目总投资约67亿元人民币,占地4300亩,拥有岸线4500米。产业园工程项目分两期实施,一期工程由船舶制造、船舶修理和海洋工程三大项目组成;二期工程由船舶拆解、二手船交易和金属资源利用三大项目组成,六大经济实体构成以船为主、六业并举、资源循环利用的现代产业链,形成工贸结合的运行方式。 Zhoushan Changhong International Industrial Park is invested by Jiangsu Xin Changjiang Group in 2011,which is located in Dinghai Industrial Park, Zhoushan Island with great advantage of geographical location. The total investment of the Industrial Park is about 6.7 billions RMB, covering an area of 4300 acres with coastline of 4500 meters. The project of the Park has been divided into two phases. The first stage contains Ship building, ship repairing and ocean engineering. The second stage contains ship recycling, secondhand ship trading and metal resource recycling. Six big economic entities under the Park are made up of modern industrial chain which is on ship basis with resource recycling and developing simultaneously, thus forming operation mode of industry and trade.


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